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Disaster Recovery & Response

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Federal Grant Management

Pacifico has decades of combined experience providing strategic project management and emergency planning, training, grant administration, and technology solutions to organizations, municipalities and state governments. We are emergency management experts ready to help prepare local, state, federal
and partner organizations with any event: health pandemic, natural disasters, and terrorism.

After a disaster, you have to ensure an efficient, structured path to recovery. Our team will execute accordingly while prioritizing your needs and the need of tour people. Pacifico will place at your services our years of expertise in federal recovery programs such as: FEMA Public Assistance, FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP), Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), an

Our emergency management teams have supported municipalities and organizations throughout a number of disasters. We’ve helped with response and recovery services resulting from hurricanes Irma, Irene, Earthquakes, COVID - 19, Maria, and more.

FEMA Public Assistance Program Management

Pacifico is leader managing FEMA Public Assistance Grant Program (PA) for organizations, including state and local governments, school boards, private nonprofits, public utilities, and others across the nation to maximize and expedite federal funding.

At Pacifico we are committed with your speedy recovery. We provide expertise with FEMA PA Grant Management, our client advocacy and retention, and dedication to enabling a full and efficient financial recovery.

Our experienced staff members are distinguished experts in FEMA PA eligibility and have previously served in roles with FEMA, State Representatives, and Mitigation Specialists.

FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP)

Pacifico will walk you through a variety of mitigation disaster assistance programs with different eligibility requirements. Hazard mitigation includes longterm efforts to reduce the impact of future events. Our of experts and engineers will help you prioritizing, selecting, and administering state and local hazard
mitigation projects need for your organization.

HMGP will benefit you in a variety of ways:

  • Supports risk reduction activities.

  • Improves resiliency.

  • Eliminates the impact of future events.

  • Provides a long-term solution to a problem:

    • For example, a project to elevate a home reduces the risk of flood damage from future floods; whereas, buying sandbags and using pumps reduces the risk of damage from a single flood.

  • Offers a cost-effective solution:

    • To be funded, a project's potential savings must be more than the cost of implementing the project.

  • Helps avoid repetitive damage from disasters:

    • ​Funds may be used to protect either public or private property or to purchase property that has been subject to or is in danger of repetitive damage.

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